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MD/OD LOR and Chances

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So I will lead with the question since I am sure people are bored of constant 'what are my chances' threads.


So I may be pushing it a tad but I was wondering how people in the past have gone about getting LOR from OD/MD's in Canada? It is getting a bit close to the application cycle and I am looking for ideas outside of spamming everyone in the phonebook (I am in the GTA).


Time for the stats:

GPA: 3.82 (overall), 3.85 (science), 3.7 (AO)

MCAT: 32 (10V, 11PS, 11BS)

Graduate degree: Masters in Chemistry (in process)

Pubs: 1 (first author), at least 2 more in the works.

Conferences: 2 posters

Patents: 1 chemistry based patent

EC: Radio show host/community radio volunteer for 3 years, Event Committee member for university students union (2 years), Rehab Hospital Unit Support - all patient interaction, but no doctor interaction (1 year), Adult Math Tutor (1 year), 3 summers+1 year of undergraduate research, multiple half and full marathons.


Thanks in advance for any advice, if I could I would bake you all cookies.

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Contact the physicians and optometrists in your local area, that is all you can really do if you don't have connections. Is there a reason why your applying to both optometry and medical schools though? Or just not sure of which you would like to pursue.


Also, just ask your family GP for a LOR. Not all schools require an LOR, but some do.

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