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Low GPA, what schools should I apply to

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I am looking into applying to some american schools this june, and am wondering which schools I may have a shot at. My cGPA is 3.42 and sGPA is 3.37 using the premed.me calculator. I dug myself into a hole my first year and a half, but since then ( my last 3.5 years) I have gotten all A's and A+. My MCAT score is 34O (12ps 9vr 13bs). I have pretty good EC's lots of research experience, but only a few abstracts published.

Thank you

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To be honest, even 4.0 GPA and 36+ MCAT get reject from a lot of schools... No one can accurately tell you which schools to apply for. My suggestion is to apply to as many as you can afford in the low/mid-tier range. Look at the stats of other students who have been accepted in the MSAR is also helpful.

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A strong upward trend of near 4.0 will help you out alot.


Make sure to use the AMCAS application to properly calculate your GPA.


Your strong MCAT helps, especially the sciences.


Apply to all low-tier and mid-tier US MD schools and write strong secondaries and personal statement.


Explain your ECs well and your research, that can help stand out.


Also, if you plan to apply this cycle, get all your application material together and apply SOON. Don't be slow with secondaries, submitting your application late for USMD schools is going to limit you, they are rolling basis and receive many applications.

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Thank you for the advice. Just wondering if anyone on here has been accepted anywehere in U.S. with similar stats, and if so, which schools? Also, is there a list somewhere on this forum that lists the low-mid tier schools accepting canadians? I know there is a canadian friendly list stickied on this forum but I assume this includes top tier as well.

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Your best bet is to check out msar which has all the info you need... And they'll tell you the number of internationals accepted each year. I would realistically apply to as many schools as financially feasible.


Note that the "lists" might not be accurate... Canadian born us uni graduates don't equal Canadian born Canadian uni graduates...


You can also check out sdn which is the is equivalent of premed101.

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