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What things should I change when re-applying?

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Hey everyone,


I can't seem to find any thread devoted to the ins and outs of re-applying through AMCAS so I was hoping for some advice from any of you who know anything about this process. I'm re-applying for the upcoming cycle and I was wondering what things need to be changed. I don't mean in terms of improving your experiences, GPA, etc., I know you *should* ideally have an upgraded app compared to the previous cycle. What I mean is literally what sections should be reworded. I heard that the personal statement needs to be reworked because apparently admissions committees will compare from last year (though that sounds highly unlikely and pretty nonsensical in itself seeing as your motivation to become a doctor shouldn't drastically change in a year).


Any way, my main question is what sections should be reworked and to what extent?


Thank you, any help would be greatly appreciated!

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PS needs to be changed. They want to see you took the year to improve your application and yes, some committees will compare for re-apps.


Also, you should have addressed any deficiencies in volunteer work that they may have mentioned, and or taken additional coursework.

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