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Advice re: Selected Schools

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Hey everyone!


I'm having a hard time narrowing down which schools I'm going to apply to in the U.S. I am a Canadian resident who studied at McGill University, my cGPA is 3.88, and my MCAT score is a 30 (10/9/11). My EC's and volunteering experience are pretty diverse, although you never really know how much they will stand out to different schools.


I'd greatly appreciate your thoughts on which schools maybe aren't worth applying to/if there are any schools that I'm missing. Please no trolls! Haha. Please only make suggestions unless you're moderately certain about them.


Rosalind Franklin

Florida International


George Washington



Keck - UC Southern California


MC of Wisconsin

Michigan State




Penn State

SUNY Upstate

Stony Brook

Temple University


UC Davis

U of Colorado


U of Minnesota

Wayne State


Thanks so much in advance!

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Florida International, Oregon, Temple don't accept international students.


Keck, Stony Brook claim to accept international students, but in the past two years have not interviewed any international students out of the hundreds of applications from international students.


Unless you have a connection to the state, UC Davis (or any California med school) is unlikely to consider you. It's already insanely competitive there as it is.


Consider checking out Albert Einstein, Kentucky, Northwestern, Case Western, Saint Louis, Thomas Jefferson.


Source: MSAR

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