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Deciding on which schools to apply

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I know that it is pretty late to apply to American schools, but I have decided to take a shot. However, I have a real hard time deciding which schools I should apply to. I was wondering if you guys could help me find which schools to apply to. My stats are:

GPA: 3.95

MCAT: 36 (14PS/9VR/13BS)

Extracurricular activities: Decent according to stats from Canadian medical schools last year.


Please help!

Thanks a lot

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Apply to any and every US MD school that takes internationals, that you can see yourself attending. Your stats are competitive for every school.


See other posts for lists that other people applied to. Don't be surprised if you don't receive the same response as those who applied earlier, since you are later. Your primary won't be complete until late August at best, so make sure you have all your secondaries pre-written and ready to submit.

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