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Any point in writing VR of the MCAT before the new MCAT?

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I was wondering whether there is any advantage to writing the old MCAT VR now? Will it change next year? Since I am in co-op I will apply to McMaster next year (I finished 2 years of undergrad (10 credits).


The next 5 credits will take 2 years for me since I am in co-op. Is there any point to writing the verbal reasoning. I heard verbal is disappearing on the new 2015 MCAT.



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"Verbal Reasoning" is technically disappearing, because the new MCAT has "Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills" (CARS). It tests the same skills as VR, but is a better name for what it's actually looking at. It is changing somewhat in that there will be 60 questions instead of 40, but you still get 90 seconds per question.


That's not to say there's no benefit to writing this year- if you do just the VR section it will be much easier than writing the whole thing next year. If you're not planning to apply this year though, and you are planning to apply to schools that require you to write the whole MCAT, there is zero point in writing this year because Mac just looks at your most recent score so this years would be overwritten next year.  

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