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Referees Question

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I am really confused as to whom I should choose as my referees.


1. Can we choose a professor, who's known us quite well from several courses to speak of an activity NOT done within their capacity? For example, can a professor speak for my leadership role as the President of a student club although they were not directly monitoring it?


2.  Can you guys advise me on the choice of my referees?


   1. Organizational, Management, and Leadership Skills - Professor who has known me about 3 years now (can comment on incidents from courses or my extra-curricular/volunteer work) VERSUS Supervisor from a seasonal job some years ago - who has now known me for about 4 years VERSUS Clubs administer who was in the position for about 1 year (they change every year) who can possibly comment on these areas as no one else was above me in the club (I was the Founder and President)?


   2. Commitment to Communities and Advocacy - Again a professor who can speak of an incident involving these traits VERSUS a doctor/hospital Coordinator in a third-world country where I volunteered about 5-6 months as an Allied Health Support - Would them being from a different country undermine the credibility in any way?


   3. Interpersonal Behaviours and Collaboration - Possibly a professor


Two of my professors know me well and are very supportive. I also have a Neurologist whom I worked on research with for some time but not sure how to fit him/her into these categories.


Really confused. Would greatly appreciate any input.



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