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Applying With Low Verbal Score

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Hmmm...that's a tough one to answer cause I don't want to discourage you from applying. But yes, your VR is low. Dr. Walker did say that people with either low MCAT or GPA scores have gotten in - I think as low as 5 on the MCAT. But that is RARE. And usually their GPA compensates for that. Your GPA is average in the applicant pool. If you look at the stats on the UofC site, it will give you a better idea about where you stand. I would say you would have to have a stellar top 10 to get an interview. Maybe you can tell us more about your top 10 and your academics?

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I'm going to be super honest with you here. If you have the application fee and it's not an issue: apply. If you have average or above average ECs, you may get an interview and then if you ace the interview there could be a chance of admission. However, apply knowing that there is a very good chance that you may not even get an interview with that verbal score. As long as you keep expectations low, I think it's reasonable to apply. 

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