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Order Of Top 10


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At Dr. Walker's information session, he suggested that we put our strongest entries first. But when I click to view a detailed summary, UCAN has already organized my experiences in alphabetical order. So is it safe to assume that the reviewers going to see our experiences in alphabetical order, and that order really doesn't count?  :confused:

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I was noting this as well. My UCAN lists my experiences in chronological order, which is disadvantageous to me because my most significant experiences are my most recent ones!


Despite my UCAN reports, I am going to list my Top 10s in the order I want anyways ... the list may appear different to the file reviewers than it does on our detailed summary. Psychology dictates that we memorize the first and last objects of a list best ;)

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I was noting this as well. My UCAN lists my experiences in chronological order, which is disadvantageous to me because my most significant experiences are my most recent ones!


Despite my UCAN reports, I am going to list my Top 10s in the order I want anyways ... the list may appear different to the file reviewers than it does on our detailed summary. Psychology dictates that we memorize the first and last objects of a list best ;)

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