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Can Anyone Read Over My Top 10?

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I would say be cautious with sending your work to others for feedback after having learned some lessons with doing the same this cycle. Some people were happy to receive feedback on their work and not offer any in return (the typical drop off the radar approach). Others stated they'd give feedback, received my work, and never replied. These were the majority of the cases this year (6 of 8). I felt like people were happy to take someone else's work to compare to their own. Pretty disrespectful.


I will say that two people did exchange really meaningful feedback with me (thank you, hwy and EnigmatiK) and I'm grateful for that. So, take from that what you will....

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I would say be cautious with sending your work to others for feedback after having learned some lessons with doing the same this cycle. Some people were happy to receive feedback on their work and not offer any in return (the typical drop off the radar approach). Others stated they'd give feedback, received my work, and never replied. These were the majority of the cases this year (6 of 8). I felt like people were happy to take someone else's work to compare to their own. Pretty disrespectful.


I will say that two people did exchange really meaningful feedback with me (thank you, hwy and EnigmatiK) and I'm grateful for that. So, take from that what you will....

Agreed, especially the person who claimed (?) they were in the Med Class of 2017 for Calgary. Totally disappeared after the initial post, and accepting probably ~10 Top 10s or so, including mine. 


If you are looking for feedback, meet in person, or be very sure that person is legit (i.e. frequent visitor on this site). 

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