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Interview Preparation Anyone?

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Hey all,


As a maritime applicant who is expecting an interview based on my GPA/MCAT combo I've been prepping for the interview and would love to start working with others in similar situations. From what I've heard preparing with total strangers is a great way to improve your skills and see how other people react in interview situations.


I'm thinking of starting a Skype/ooVoo session where we meet once a week or something like that for an hour or two to go over some questions. Basically we would just ask each other questions we've come up with and go through the process like a real MMI. I'm totally open to suggestions so we could play it by ear!


Let me know if you're interested,



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For anyone with anxiety and a bit more money stashed away in your budget, I recommend these guys.




They're expensive (and slow to update their website, send them an email for dates before you do anything), but they're the real deal and they were a significant factor in my getting accepted.  They break the MMI down, tell you how to answer each question type, and give you a really solid strategy for managing those eight important minutes :)

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