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Photograph for the secondary application

Guest Parii

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Hi there,


I wonder about whether I should attach a photo on the secondary application now or wait for the interview. the George Washington's secondary application leaves it optional to put your picture either now or at the time of interview. I would appreciate your advise on this.


I know that this somehow depends on whether I am up to scaring the reviewer..... (Halloween is already over...). Now, seriously, I just want to know whether I should bother going to take a (professional) picture [$$$] now or rather leave it.


PS. No, I don't look like Angelina Jolie or Beyonce etc


Thank you,



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Guest ubcredfox

If you want a cheap way to take photos - I actually don't know what part of Canada you're from - go down to your local Costco. They charge a lot less for 2 passport photos, that most places take digitally, so you can look at the photo you buy and change it if you like...ask to print out like 18 or whatever you'll need. It saved me tons of cash.

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