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What are my Chances...SERIOUSLY!

Guest aks47

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DAMN...I tried posting something but my msg got deleted.




3rd year at Mac Life Sciences

GPA = 3.66

MCATs = low-mid 20's R (I'm so ashamed, that I don't want to disclose my numbers...lol)


first time applying to US med schools. I'm applying to: WSU, Howard, Vermont, Conneticut, R. Franklin, Einstein, Albany, SUNY Upstate (Syracuse).


I know my mcats are terrible. What do you think my chances are. Are the med schools that i'm applying to at par with my credentials. i have strong ec...er volunteering, play group coordinator with autistic children, assisstant volunteer coordinator with canadian cancer society, etc.


i am planning on retaking my mcat in april. is it ok to apply again next year, hopefully with higher mcats.


moo...it seems like you know a lot about american meds. could you please tell me your honest opinion of my chances. also, how do american meds look at 3rd year applicants.


thanks for all your help.



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To be honest, I think you have no chance this year. But not because of your stats. It is because of you being in your 3rd year. You will most likely get an automatic rejection...I am truly hoping I am wrong...

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It is extremely difficult to get into an American med school as a 3rd year applicant. If you look at the stats of accepted students, generally 98%+ have degrees. I think to have any chance of getting accepted as a 3rd year student you would have to have stellar marks and MCAT scores.


To be honest, if I were you, I would save my money and not bother applying this year. Your GPA is good so I suggest that you give the MCAT another shot and apply next year.



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If you won't have a degree by the time you matriculate in med school, don't bother applying. Madz is right on. Your GPA is decent, but definitely retake your MCAT.

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Thanks for all your help.


But, I have the option of graduating with a BSc at the end of three years. How do US med schools look at this. From what I understand, US schools don't have such a thing as a three year degree.


Thanks in advance.

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Three of my friends graduated with the 3 year degree with a 4.0 gpa and 30+ MCAT's and all three were rejected from the US Schools they applied to. The following year (they decided to complete their fourth year, they were all accepted to both US and Canadian med schools with the same stats as the year before...take from this what you will!

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I would suggest that you get a 4 yr degree rather than a 3 yr degree. Many Canadian schools are changing their policies regarding 3 yr degrees as well. In the end, a 4 yr degree will be more beneficial because it is comparitively easier to get in with a 4 yr degree rather than a 3 yr one. Also, if you decide to do a masters, you will definitely need a 4 yr degree.



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I'm actually from BC, and here we don't really have 3 year degrees (unless you do things accelerated). I would echo Madz and suggest that you do a 4 year degree. (I guess this is equivalent of an "honors" degree in Ontario.) I would imagine that most people in the US don't know what these 3 year degrees are either, as even I as a western Canadian don't.

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Guest VwDubber
Thanks for all your help.


But, I have the option of graduating with a BSc at the end of three years. How do US med schools look at this. From what I understand, US schools don't have such a thing as a three year degree.


Thanks in advance.

I have a 3yr degree and when I applied last cycle, AMCAS did the conversion and I ended up with over 120 semester hours so it really depends on your school and the conversion scheme AMCAS uses for your school.


In addition to what others have said, I just wanted to add applying early is very important especially if you don't have stellar numbers b/c of the way they do admissions here.


Anymore questions, feel free to visit futuredoc.ca which is currently undergoing some change in structure but eventually the site will be dedicated to serving canadian applicants who are interested in applying to medical school in the united states. www.futuredoc.ca/forums/viewforum.php?f=43


Good Luck! :)

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