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Why Is Studentdoctornetwork So Slow...?

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It had been slow when i first started using it and now it's just going full berserk (takes a full minute to open up a page). I don't think it's my internet because I also tried my school's computer and it's also slow as #$#. Does anyone else experience the same slow connection?


It also doesn't accept new registration for a long long while now, fortunately I still remember my password.

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I'm in Toronto. Just checked SDN, still no problem at all. Very likely your computer or internet I think.


OK. I'm pretty sure it's not cookie but may have to do with the IE version or a pluggin. I used the lib computer (lower in every spec compared to my laptop), loading is fast but then it gets stuck for 20sec. There is for sure something special about SDN's website 

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