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When To Write: Advice


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Seeking advice on when to write the MCAT for application to medical schools in fall 2015.


My situation: I'm finishing up undergraduate courses and exams (end April), starting a full-time summer job (beginning May), defending my graduate thesis (mid-end May), then will focus on MCAT studying end May/beginning June. So, I'd like to write as late as possible. 


I'm not particularly familiar with the MCAT-writing process, so would like some advice on strategies for when to write (because you're so helpful!).


Thank you!



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I would take it late August also to give yourself as much time to prep as possible. The only downside to doing this is that you won't have time for a retake if something goes wrong (imo I think the extra time is worth the risk... but up to you). Also with a late date, you will be getting your scores back quite close to application deadlines which can make it difficult to plan what schools to apply to (as many schools have cutoffs).

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