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Do I have a shot? Honest advice needed!

Guest rookiemeds

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Guest rookiemeds

Hi everbody,


I just found this forum and I'm so excited - it's great! You guys are all very informative and supportive of each other. So for that reason, I'm asking for some honest answers as to whether or not I have a shot at getting into a Canadian med school. I'm just your average white, middle class city girl and I have a 3.7 gpa (just graduated). My MCAT marks were VR 11, PS 9, BS 12, W R. I've done a lot of volunteer work and worked in clinics and hospitals and I'm a national-level athlete.


I know that my average isn't amazing so I'm wondering if I have a shot at all. Also, I've heard conflicting stories of which schools look more at marks and which look more at "the whole person". I'm feeling pretty nervous, because I didn't even get an interview when I applied at Mac last year. Any comments are greatly appreciated!



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Guest therealcrackers

You will be competitive for the first round at Western, in that your MCAT marks and your GPA should get you an interview (although that may change: the standard varies year-to-year, so it's never a sure thing). Thereafter, your volunteer work and athletics are things you can emphasize in the interview process. So, all things being equal, you should be competitive at UWO. Good luck!

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Hey there,


Your stats are pretty good...your guaranteed an interview at Western and Queens...as for Ottawa, if you live in Ontario in a non-underserviced area or if your not a Francophone, then you wont get an interview because the cut-offs are at least 3.8 in the past 3 years.


toronto im not sure about...your avg of 3.7 is lower than their avg of 3.82, but if you do well on your essay, i dont see a reason why the 3.7 will be a hinderance (mcat has no role here other than being a flag)


and lastly, not all people get interviews at Mac (im currently in yr 1 of Mac)....Mac doesnt even look at your Mcats so all they do to determine if you get an interview or not is 50% GPA and 50% essay...your 3.7 is roughly in the ~75% percentile of the applicants.....which means you must get ~90-95% on your essay portion for a combined avg of ~85%....so the reason why you might not have gotten an interview was that your essay score was not as high as you needed....



AND as a finally note, not to sound cold or something, but many people ask about their chances for meds based on their MCAT, GPA and extracirriculars activeites...the bottom line is the ALL med schools look at the whole person....it doesnt matter that your a world class athelete, done "tons" of volunteer work, or works as a classical pianist for a part-time job....what determines if you've got a shot is 1) do you make the cut-offs? and 2) can you make the best of what you got and sell yourself ? (the latter is the MOST important)


hope this helps




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Guest Lactic Folly

Hey pasoo, by selling yourself do you mean bringing up your good qualities and supporting them with examples? It's what I've been trying to do so far, but I don't know if that's the most successful way, or if I'm missing something..

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