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Just Chose Dentistry As A Career Path Need Help

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So i am choosing to pursue dentistry as a career.


I am currently a 3rd year student in a Bsc degree i switched to this bsc degree from a previous degree and i am projected to graduate next year (if i take 5 courses in the spring) or have to do a 5th year if i spaced my courses.


Now here are some issues; i havent written the DAT yet, when can i apply to dentistry school? do i need a 4 year degree in hand to apply? or can i apply without a degree in hand and if accepted opt to take a 3 yr general degree and enroll into a institution..do schools do this?


Do dentistry schools accept based on cGPA or do they do wgpa calculations? I also have been taking 5 courses every fall and winter semester up until my 3rd year second semester (this current sem) i messed up bad in one class and dropped it so it does not kill my gpa since it is already lacking.. I am currently enrolled in only 4 courses which is still considered full course load at my university but what doors am i closing by only having 4 courses vs 5  this semester?


My CGPA right now is roughly 3.55-3.6

not sure about wgpa 's 

 projected gpa this smester is 3.9-4.0 (taking only 4 courses)


what are my chances at US / canadian / aussie schools?


Do i even have a shot at canadian schools anymore? is it worth applying to canadian schools knowing that an australian school will guarentee me direct entry back to canada and is easier to get into

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When you can apply is dependant on the school. Some require a completed 4 year degree, others allow you to apply after you have completed 3 years of a 4 year degree program. In either case you need to be enrolled and planning on completing a 4 year program. 


Schools will use a cGPA, but different schools tend to use different scales. It is hard to predict your GPA to each as they are not clear as to exactly which scale they use. However, schools will generally look at your best two full years. Some may still include your lessened course load in your GPA calculation but with a penalty. 


GPA is on the low side but I am assuming you are basing your GPA over all your courses. Recalculate only including your 2 best years and it likely will be more competitive. 


Chances at US and AUS schools are quite high for Canadian applicants, especially since their GPA scales are generous in comparison to Canadian GPA scales. I would strongly recommend AUS over US only because the CAD and AUD are much closer than the CAD and USD so the costs will be no where near as significant. It is also easier to come back to Canada from AUS. 


Depending on how you finish this year, and maybe next your GPA may be competitive. As of right now it would be tough to get an interview in Canada. However, a MSc boosts your GPA if you want to pursue that as an alternative before applying. 

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GPA admission requirements have been going up in Melbourne, and most likely around australia.  This is directly from someone on the admissions board for Melbourne.  Melbourne ranks the applicants and  takes the top ones.  Ever since the reciprocity agreement, Australia has been receiving many more applicants from Canada with higher stats. There have been instances of individuals not getting into Australian schools, but into US schools.  WIth that said, the process varies from country to country and from school to school.


The lowest wGPA for acceptance to Melbourne to start in 2012 was 3.4. (hearsay)

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