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Overall Gpa With A Ba Degree


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I understand UofT and Western take your best two years for your GPA. Does your best two years have to include the prereq science courses?

I am in a Liberal Arts program and my best two years might not include any of the necessary science courses. Do they calculate the pre req science courses separately?...

I am confused to how it works.

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UWO takes your best two years but U of T drops your worst year. So for example, if you're applying in your 3rd year, they look at year 1 + year 2 (nothing dropped). If you're applying in your 4th year, they look at years 1 to 3 with the lowest one dropped (so 2 years). If you're applying after you graduate, they look at TWO from years 1 to 3 AND your year 4 (highest 2 years from 1 to 3 + year 4).

This doesn't have to include any prereq course. They never care about your prereq course grades, as long as you pass and get a credit, you're good. It's nothing like the system they use in the states.

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