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Full Course Load And Summer Courses

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As long as none of the courses in years 4 and 5 were online, you should be fine, since 4 courses/semester still counts as full-time. As far as I know, Ottawa does not use summer courses towards the GPA calculation, and I do not believe they would count them towards other years, since they would like to see evidence that applicants can manage a full course load. I believe that the only time that summer courses are acknowledged is when they're prerequisites, but the marks are still not used in the GPA calculation. Calling might make it easier to get straight answers though.

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Thanks HappyAndHopeful for your reply.


I did end up getting a helpful response from uOttawa as well, will leave it here for anyone who might read this thread:


The summer course may be done in a different year. Candidates are allowed to complete missing prerequisite during the summer but, as with all courses, not during the summer before their registration in the MD program of studies.

This is a generic copy and paste from their FAQ website :)

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I spent a good amount of time searching their website for the wording about 'when' a summer course can be taken and counted (same academic year vs. different academic year). So no, this is not a generic copy-paste as I've been through their FAQs already and don't see that anywhere.

ahhh i see. I misread it.

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