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University Of Sydney Dental School-Interview Preparation(2017 Intake)

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I think there are some Sydney uni interview questions floating around from previous years. You need to practice and get comfortable with MMI interview. Make sure you manage your time well and dont run out of time. Practice is key!

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First of all, congratulations on receiving the interview! Secondly, I agree with Pauls. With MMIs you really have to practice a lot. There are a lot of MMI type questions on the internet (even if it's not dentistry related, you can still use those because the thinking process to answer the questions is the same). I would try to mimic the interview situation as much as possible. For example, I believe your interview will be through Skype. So practice by using Skype. You might want to consider making a new Skype account so that you don't get distracted by messages during your interview. Also, make sure you have a quiet room; a professional looking wall behind you (I would choose a white wall); a strong internet connection; working speakers and microphone; and look at the camera when you're talking. :)

Amatsu, if you can figure out how to keep my identity hidden, then I don't mind helping you practice! I had a lot of fun helping my med friends haha :D

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