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What Is Uottawa Looking For In Abs?

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Hi guys, 

I was wondering if people who got an interview/acceptance to UOttawa could share what type of activities they had listed in their ABS. I am worried that I have a pretty average ABS and am wondering if I could still have a shot at an interview this application cycle with my average ABS (and a good Casper score).


I currently have 3.94-3.95 wGPA for UOttawa. I have multiple research experiences in the past few years (no pubs yet, 1 paper in progress), volunteering experiences with vulnerable population, a couple leadership experiences, a couple of employment experiences, etc (many of these are long term). However, I have no athletic background, no volunteering abroad experiences and only a couple of ordinary awards (nothing stellar). 


Could some of you guys who have received acceptance or undergone interview at UOttawa please give some ideas at what your ABS consisted of and what the school looks for in the applicants' ABS? I would be really grateful for any insight and advice.  


Thank you. 

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I've found that med school committees really value long-term commitments (eg. years) where you are serving others/community. In terms of wording, try to maximize what the reader gets from it using the limited characters you have. Look at your application from the perspective of the admissions committee, and really try to make sure that when they read your application for the first time, they want you to come down for an interview! This is just my take on it after getting in the second time I applied. Good Luck! 

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