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Starting Application Before Hearing Back About Mcat? (Oop)

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I write my MCAT in August and won't hear back until September, and the application/references etc. must be received by October 1st or so (I don't think the exact date for the 2017/2018 cycle has been announced?). The MCAT is gonna be a huge make-it-or-break-it for me because of the CARS cutoff and if I end up not getting a 128 minimum then I can't apply since I'm OOP. I guess I just feel like <1 month to prepare my application isn't a lot of time, but at the same time I don't want to put a lot of time in, get a 127 or lower and then feel really bad about having wasted time preparing.


Has anyone ever been in this situation? Any tips? Should I inform my references before I get my score back anyway so that they get more time?


Thanks so much everyone. :) (Also sorry if this seems like a silly question, I'm just concerned and want to plan ahead as best as I can.)

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I understand that the situation is higher risk in terms of the time investment, the money involved and the big favour you will be asking of your referees. However, if you feel that writing your MCAT late like that will give you a better chance of getting the mark you want, then I say that it's worth it in the end. I did my MCAT in August as well, and got my grades back a few days before the application was due. I still felt it was worth it because it gave me the time I needed to prepare. Try not to let the thought of you not succeeding or not getting above the cutoff put you off. Do your absolute best to get a killer mark, and the rest will sort itself out. That's, at least, how I would approach it. Best of luck!

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Many people run into this.  In hindsight they realize they should have written the MCAT by late July.


The effort you put in is re-used in part with applications to other schools, so it is not a total waste.


Your alternative is to not apply and then you have zero chance of an interview at U of C.

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