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    • Hey where did you get this information about upgrading GPA? I’ve looked on ORPAS and the universities websites (specifically McMaster and UofT) and found nothing to support this. I’m currently trying to upgrade my GPA and taking first and second year courses mainly because I haven’t taken them, have an interest in them and also need as a prerequisite for a third year course that I really want to take in the fall. I don’t want these courses to cost me my application next year…
    • I got an offer in april but I know one person who got an offer off the van cohort waitlist last week (tuesday)! 
    • No one cares much about written evals in my specialty. If staff didn't like you they would put "needs to read more" as the whole eval. If they really didn't like you (or they're just overly blunt/grumpy) they could write something overtly negative If it's something positive it means you're doing something right. My average written eval would read something like "Performs at/above his level. Pleasure to have, very professional. Works well with X cases. Keep on reading". In my 5 years, there were only a few written evals that had much more substance than that. It sounds like you're doing fine. If you need actual feedback, it's better to talk 1-on-1 with staff.
    • Just got off the UBC PT waitlist around 2:30pm today!!!! I wanted the Victoria cohort but was admitted to the Vancouver one. Is there a group chat I can join? I’ll be looking for housing!
    • did you get off ubc’s waitlist or did you get an offer in april? just trying to figure out if the ubc wait list is moving!
    • Hi everyone! I just got off the Mac PT waitlist this morning. I will be rejecting mac and western and accepting ubc so hopefully there's movement for everyone waiting, best of luck!!
    • Can you post a new link for the discord. This one is expired  
    • They sent rejections out already? 😥
    • Wow...thats frustrating! I didn't apply to UofA so I wasn't aware of that. I definitely agree with you that GPA and CASPer, while they're important, they do not provide a holistic view of applicants! It's kinda funny, because a huge part of OT is being holistic...lol I hope you get off one of your waitlists! You seem very passionate about OT and the field needs more people like you  
    • Salut !  Je vais à l'université l'an prochain (en admin), mais j'aimerais appliquer en médecine (et peut-être aussi dans d'autres programmes en SN) à l'automne. J'ai entendu parler du fait d'appliquer en tant que ''faux collégien'' et j'aimerais appliquer de cette manière là à l'udm. Si j'ai bien compris, donc les uni te laissent pas appliquer en médecine (et d'autres programmes comme pharmacie) si tu as déjà commencer l'uni et donc en appliquant comme ''faux collégien'', on va jute considérer mes notes de cégeps, c'est bien cela ? Donc, il y a aucun moyen de changer simplement de programme pour appliquer en médecine si je comprends bien, à moins de finir son bac au complet ?  J'ai actuellement une cotre r de 33,3 (il reste des notes encore à être ajoutées). Est-ce que vous pensez que c'est possible pour moi de réussir à entrer ? J'aimerais des conseils que vous pourriez avoir pour moi. Aussi, comment se déroule le casper et comment est-ce que je peux bien m'y préparer ? Mercii !  
    • The U of A doesn't do reference letters for OT anymore, which I find very irksome. My GPA and my CASPER score are both very high but I don't really think they should put as much weight on either of those things as they do. I'd rather have someone with a B+/A- average who is really dedicated and compassionate than someone who had a perfect GPA but lacks social skills.  I definitely picked two very strong references for my Dalhousie application though! 
    • Great advice! Would like to add to this that some schools do not value your upgraded courses if they are 1st or second year courses, which may result in your application being disregarded! UofT in particular has mentioned that they strongly recommend students who are doing gpa upgrading to take 3rd and/or fourth year courses.  Another area of importance for those reapplying next cycle is to make sure your reference letters are strong. Always!!!!!!  pick a reference who knows you well over one who doesn't. Even if your grade was better, or you have more hours with the unfamiliar one etc. Unless that reference will say you are a terrible person, you should always pick the person you have a better relationship with, as they can provide personal examples of your character. References are often forgotten about; many people have amazing experiences and decent GPAs, but a general reference from a referee who doesn't know you well can quite literally make or break your application. Congratulations to everyone who has made it off the waitlist, and best wishes to those who haven't! All of your efforts are worthwhile, and regardless of your acceptance status you deserve to celebrate making it this far.
    • I got an offer from Mac PT today around noon! I’m really stoked & am keeping big fingers crossed for those waiting to hear back. I’d love to join a groupchat if it exists, and will be looking for roommates / housing soon, so please feel free to reach out regarding that!
    • Same, wondering when Mac is going to release waitlist updates & if they only do it today (June 3rd) if anyone hears back pls reply! would love to know if theres any movement for mac OT waitlist.
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