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Castle Craig Hospital International Addiction Research Essay Competition 2018.

Dear Students,


Castle Craig Hospital would like to invite all interested undergraduate and postgraduate students to enter its International Addiction Research Essay Competition 2018.


This annual competition has been instituted to mark Castle Craig Hospital’s 30th anniversary. We hope it will serve to foster connections between academic institutions and treatment services, and that this will eventually support best practice in the field of addiction treatment.


The top award of £1,000, and runner-up awards of £250 will be a welcome financial assistant to the successful candidates.


The competition will be judged by a panel including Professor Jonathan Chick, and Dr. Glynis Read of Castle Craig Hospital.


Please could you take time to share this initiative with students at your university. We suggest that you link to our competition on social media and any other page you think would be appropriate.


Full details about the competition are available on this page of our website. https://castlecraig.co.uk/contact-us/essay-competition/


Further news and updates will appear regularly on this page, and this link will continue to be updated for competitions in successive years.


The deadline for submissions is December 31, 2018 with the winners announced on the 30th of April 2019. The winning submissions will be published online by May 1, 2019 on the Castle Craig Hospital website.


As we become increasingly integrated as an international community the exchange of global ideas and dialogue in this field is paramount to addressing the increasing demand for addiction treatment throughout the world. Castle Craig Hospital would be honored to have you join us in this mission this year and in the future,




Castle Craig Hospital

Castle Craig’s 30th Anniversary – International Essay Writing CompetitionTo mark its 30th anniversary, Castle Craig Hospital in Scotland is launching an annual international essay writing competition for students. Th-5-1.jpg

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