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need some advice

Guest nonce

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Guest nonce



I had my interview today. For the most part, the interviewers were generally quite nice, and the questions they asked were to be expected.


However, one of the interviewers seemed to not like me, or some sort of grudge against me. After every question he asked, he would interupt me mid sentence, and ask me another question, or would pipe in and say what i was saying is basically wrong (for example, when he asked about what i would do to help health care. for a short term solution, i said more funding both from provincial and federal governments...i had a whole lot more i wanted to say....accounatbiliity, preventive health care, and promoting a healthy lifestyle, basically being proactive rather than reactive....but he simply would not let me get anything in...he told me how provincial government spends too much money, they cant increase spending....and i was like, welll the public wants a public health care system, isnt it up to the government to FIND ways to provide this? i would've talked about the possibility in the future, b/c of the finite finanical resources, of using user fees, but that as of now i think we have other avenues to pursue....but he just switched the subject and didnt let me say anymore on the subject)......even when others asked a question, and i began answering, he would interupt me with another question...for example, i was asked what the biggest social issue facing Sask is....and i responded with the treatment with aboriginals...and i was GOING to emphasize health care and how we need mroe aboriginal docs, and need to do a better job with providing health care to this group of ppl (talk about high prevalence of diabetes, gastroenteritis, TB etc...) however....right after i said that i thought aboriginal issues were important, he interupted and said "aboriginals are important in managing casinos, and there good at it...what do you think".....i was stunned, i didnt even know what to say, this statement was largely inappropriate, and i had no idea what the question even was...so i kind of stumbled around......finally he posed a more direct question, but even with that, he continuously interrupted me. I thought i did a good job, by not getting to nervous or upset, but just answering questions as they were asked, even if it meant not finishing the prviuous question...i'm not sure if that was the right approach (i.e. should i have just politely said that i would be glad to answer his question, right after i complete answering this one? I didnt want to piss anyone off....so i didnt say anything, and answered questions as they were posed).....



Now.....im worried that this guys behaviour may effect how the others percieved me...obviously his forwardness got me shook a little, and the manner in which i answered some of the other questions may not have been as good as i would've liked...but for the most part i thought i handled it...im just worried that the other interviewers may have thought i was soft, or didnt have a backbone...and on top of that, his question about the aboriginals was inappropriate and rude. I was kind of like "is this guy testing me, or is he serious".......im wondering if i should say something, and ask for a re-interview...


or, this could be how alot of interviews go, and i just have some sour grapes.

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Guest kosmo14

The one thing I have learned about interviews is that you can never judge how you did by your own impression of how the interview went. There are an enormous amount of people in med school right now that could have sworn they blew the interview when they walked out, but in fact actually did wonderful. I wouldn't worry about it. You can be pretty sure that the interviewer you refer to is doing the exact same thing to every applicant, and every applicant is thinking the same thing as you now. I would be willing to bet that most would be rattled by this type of interviewing, the key is that you didn't completely lose your cool. As far as how you appeared to the other interviewers I wouldn't worry about that either. They aren't stupid, they can see that one interviewer is being tough and will evaluate that when they give you a mark.


If you would like you can tell me the name of that particular interviewer, that way I can tell you (assuming I know the person) whether that is characteristic of that person, or totally out of character. I would prefer if you emailed the name to me as I don't think it is good to drag someones name through the dirt on a public forum. d_vign@hotmail.com


My message for you is that this interviewer was likely testing your ability to handle yourself in a stressful situation, and he/she will be doing that to every applicant that they interview. I am not entirely sure that was an inappropriate question as I am sure you are aware that the majority of the casinos within Saskatchewan are run by Indian bands or the FSIN. It may have come across as derogatory, but he may have been just testing your knowledge of local events. Anyway dwelling on something that is done never helps unless you look to improve in the areas you felt you were weak in. Besides you may have done exceptionally well in all of the interviewers eyes.


I hope this helps.

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Guest shrimpdumplings

I'm freaking out because of the opposite reason. I think my interview went TOO well. The panel was very very friendly..laughed at all my jokes. They did not ask any burning ethical or political questions. It was very conversational..I dunno....I think in your situation, they may be more serious in probing YOU as a potential candidate for med school...perhaps thats why u had a tough interview to see how u handle the stress.

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Guest Spicy Aam

Hey nonce,


I just wanted to say that you shouldn't feel bad about your U of S interview. I think it is important to reflect on the good things that you have done, so that you can be confident for your future interviews. I hope that you will be able to show Western Ontario exactly what you are made of!!


As for the U of S interview, it sounds a lot like the interviewer I had. I also had a Biochem prof as well as a slightly rude interviewer.


Best of Luck,



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Guest shrimpdumplings


don't sweat your interview too much. From what i've heard a lot of people (like moi) who thought their interview went a little 'too well' did not get high interview scores...whereas those who had to 'sweat it out a little' and thought they had horrible interviews ended up getting into med. So ya don't stress too much....I hate replaying my interview in my head...but I can't help it!!:( help meeeee

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Hi Everyone, I know a lot of you are fretting over interviews...don't worry too much. Last year I had one interviewer that I felt was pretty antagonistic, and I was not at all confident after the interview, but I ended up recieving one of those good ol' you passed letters. Talking to my classmates, some of them had tons of ethical and political questions, some had none and just chatted for the whole time. My point is just not to worry about whether your interview was "too easy" or "too hard".


And if you think you had it really rough...keep in mind that rumour has it there is one student in my class that left to throw up in the middle of their interview...they passed.


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