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favorite profs?

Guest Folken Strategos

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Guest Folken Strategos

Just curious for those of you who are currently attending the U of S and in med, who are some of your favorite profs?


I've had the opportunity to experience some lectures by some med profs and so far I like Doucette and Devon the most. Khandewal and Langer are very good. Kulyk and Wollin are satisfactory. If Pato teaches a med class, then yeeeesh!

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Guest kosmo14

In second year we get taught almost exclusively by clinicians, so you probably wouldn't have any of the profs we have in second year.


In first year a few of my favorite profs were Roessler (Biochem), Mohamed (anatomy), Hemmings (physio), Warrington (Biochem).


We never got taught by Khandewal or Doucette, but I had them both in undergrad and they were both fantastic profs.


We do get taught by Devon, Kulyk, Pato, Langer, Verge, Qualtiere, Sulake ...

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here's my thoughts on a few profs in first year:


mohammed is pretty good with anatomy, he makes it very clear and concise.. but you also have to be aware of the great job of the teaching fellows in the labs as well.


you mentioned kulyk, he teaches embryo, and the subject itself is not that exciting so it is hard to judge how good a prof he is


from neuro, we have the trio of ducette, devon and langer. i'm assumming you have taken some neuro so that you have them. ducette and devon are pretty good with the lecture, their notes are awesome, langer's notes are too convoluted and people tend to drown out in class. but something else, i think that langer does a great job going over the clinical cases so i guess you have to weigh in that fact as well. :P


let me see, roessler does make biochem seem easy and oh yeah, pato does teach biochem as well. she's not that bad ... but i thought her questions on the midterm were hard, but that's just me.


immuno has qualtiere, he's moving into a more correspondence type course, that's how i see it. he gives us readings each week and then a m/c quiz which is very hard and detailed. then we have one lecture per week with him where he doesn't really give us real notes.... bit worried bout that class.


histo: richardson is pretty thorough, very approachable, and she gives good notes for lecture and for the lab.

jurlink gives us a bit too much of his reflection and tends to deviate away from the topic once in awhile but he knows his stuff :)


all the other classes are alright, sulakhe for physio tries to gives us too much info, but i thought his final was fair. same for hemmings for physio.


one person you can't forget is marcel dionne. haha, he's got his hand in a few classes. eg. case studies, history of med, he does try a lot to revamp the curriculum, i'll give him that.


overall, we've got some pretty good profs. but we'll see when may comes around and i'm cramming for finals! haha :P

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Guest Folken Strategos

thanks for the reply guys


As for immunology, I had taken Micro 421 (immunology) with Bretscher, but dropped it because I didn't understand a word the guy was saying. It's not that the class is hard or that he's a bad guy, but just the way he taught it confused the living @#%$ out of me. It didn't help that he wrote the supplementary text for the class either. I do regret dropping the class somewhat, but at the time I was so relieved I didn't have to go to class anymore.

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Guest RageoftheDragon

Your loss on the Bretscher dropping. Get passed the opening few days, catch his style, and he's a breeze. I really don't understand why people get so intimidated by him.



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Guest Folken Strategos

Oh no, I'm not intimidated by him at all. In fact, I tried putting up with the class until the very last day (academic penalty). I lost all my money (no partial refunds) so I definitely tried to stick it out. Like I said, he's a great guy, but it's just one of those times when two people don't mix. His teaching style just does not suit me, nothing against him. I did take some positives from the course though. What little I did learn will certainly make any future immunology class a tad easier.

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