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UofS interview experience weak compared to Queen's

Guest justanotherpremed

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Guest ioncannon97

True. I see your point Rage. I guess too much practicing can be bad. But one mock is definitely O.K. That being said, it is not a requirement. I know plenty of people that just walked into the interview rooms with little prep and did fine....I guess one just needs to figure out if he/she is that confident.

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Guest byjude

It also depends on if you're a quick thinker in social situations, or tend to need a lot of reflection time. Supposedly, the more introverted you are, the longer it takes to come up with responses to questions like in interviews.


If you're the type of person who thinks of brilliant responses after the interview, or has trouble coming up with stuff, it may help to do a little preparing before an interview. Doing mocks can help - but not if you do them too often. It may also help to read your resume shortly before going into an interview, or make up a list of situational examples you might be able to use - ie, rather than practising answering specific questions, you can keep in mind some specific examples that you can use to illustrate your answers to a variety of questions.

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Guest RageoftheDragon

One of the best pieces of advice I followed was to write down 5 things I wanted the board to know about me. 5 things that would make me stand out/good in their mind. Unfortunately, I didn't do it at the U of S, and forgot one once I made up the list for a different interview. However, in the second interview, I remembered, and it sparked alot of interest. Other than that, I likes to fly by the seat of my pants...damn, I need new pants.



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