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UofS 4 year curriculum question?

Guest spaceboy1

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Guest spaceboy1


I was just wondering if anybody can give me some insights about the UofS 4 year med curriculum.


Year 1: Sept.1 to May 31 -during the summer there is a 2 week manatory rural commuity experience and the rest of the summer is free for you to do anything?


Year 2: Sept.1 to May 31 - you get 3 months off to do whatever you want? So what do most med students do? Research, travel, electives, etc.?


Year 3: Sept.1 to June 30 - no summer off?


Year 4: July 1 to April 30(complete) - When do your residencies start? May 1? Can you start later?



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Guest kosmo14

1st year exactly as you said


2nd year exactly as you said, and there is a range of what people do over the summer. Many travel, many do research some combine the two, some do clinical rotations called externships, some do absolutely nothing, and others work at other jobs.


3rd year no summer, but you do get 4 wks vacation plus a few at Christmas between Jan. of third year and the end of med school in 4th year.


Residences start at the same time as all other residency programs in Canada. That is July 1. This means you actually have some time off between the end of med school and the beginning of residency. Many require this to move to thier new place if they match out of province for residency.


Hope this helps.

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We actually start our classes a little earlier than Sept 1st. I believe this year we are starting August 22nd, which will be the 1st day for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year...so summer is a little shorter than 3 months.

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Guest RageoftheDragon

Use the first 2 summers to enjoy life slightly!! Last 2 summers for a long time!


Ireland (ie: Guinness imbibing => extreme AST and ALT elevation) here I come!



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Guest spaceboy1

Thanks for the insights guys (or gals).


So if UofS med for year 1, 2, 3 starts earlier, August 22 (instead of Sept.1), does that mean you end earlier, May 22 (instead of May 31)?


Also, can you start residencies later than July 1? Like, what if you want to take like 3 months off to travel, family committments, etc.


Again, thanks for the reply.

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Guest kosmo14

Hahaha you would think you should end early, but not a chance. They will keep you in that jail cell as long as they can. While the rest of the university is out enjoying thier summer job, and just as the summer starts to get nice, you begin finals. You will be very envious of those people playing soccer/football out in the field as you leave your exam feeling like you had the cr*p kicked out of you. Thing is it all goes by so fast.


As far as residency goes that would be between the individual residency program and that person. I see it highly unlikely that they would allow that. You generally only get 4 weeks vacation each year of residency.

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