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Grad School

Guest Kat

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I was wondering how the U of S considers someone with a graduate degree. Does it add anything to your application and if so how much? Also you take some grad courses while completing a masters or PhD, how do these affect your gpa?



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Guest kosmo14

As far as I know having taken a graduate degree does not give you any specific admissions advantage. Admission to the UofS College of Med. is based upon 2 criteria:


(I) your academic qualities: for grad students this is calculated one of two ways (which ever works to your advantage is the one that is used)


1. The average from you entire undergrad plus the formal courses in your graduate degree




2. Your best two (full course load) years in your undergrad degree


(II) your personal qualities: assessed almost exclusively at your interview (45 min. team of 4 interviewers)-this may be the place that if you are given the opportunity to discuss it, a grad degree may give some sort of added benefit.


The weighting of academic to personal qualities is 3:1 (75% academic:25% personal).


I hope this helps.

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