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DAT Advice

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Hello everyone,

I am currently registered to take the DAT this Saturday. Long story short, my course load this semester ended up being much heavier than anticipated and I haven't been able to study for the DAT very much. I did start studying over the summer but I feel very unprepared for the Chemistry section, as well as the Manual Dexterity portion. I don't know whether I should still write it at this point. I also have 4 exams within the next few days, so I doubt I will be able to prepare for Saturday. Ultimately, I am aiming for U of A... so the MDT portion will be important. I am scared that I will do very poorly on the Chem and MDT portion and don't know what to do. Does anyone have any advice? 

Thank you!

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10 hours ago, Dentforum11 said:

Hello everyone,

I am currently registered to take the DAT this Saturday. Long story short, my course load this semester ended up being much heavier than anticipated and I haven't been able to study for the DAT very much. I did start studying over the summer but I feel very unprepared for the Chemistry section, as well as the Manual Dexterity portion. I don't know whether I should still write it at this point. I also have 4 exams within the next few days, so I doubt I will be able to prepare for Saturday. Ultimately, I am aiming for U of A... so the MDT portion will be important. I am scared that I will do very poorly on the Chem and MDT portion and don't know what to do. Does anyone have any advice? 

Thank you!

OMG why is this literally me. I feel so unprepared for the Chem section and I also have midterms before that I need to study for and assignments due as well *facepalm* I feel your pain!


I'm going to write it since I already paid for it so may as well go there and check it out and see how it goes. If I do well (unlikely) then great! If not, I'll be more comfortable with the test, since I already did it once, and I'll hopefully be less nervous for when I try again in February! 

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