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UT Meds Admissions FAQ

Guest UTMed07

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Guest UTMed07

1. Where can I find the most accurate information?


The most accurate admissions information can be found by contacting the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto directly.


Admissions Tel.: 416 978-2717 - Debbie Lombard's number (Receptionist)

Admissions Officer Tel.: 416-978-2729 - Leslie Taylor


The detailed contact info is here.



General info about medicine:



Admissions info (prerequisites, selection criteria et cetera):



The official U of T admissions FAQ:




2. How are non-academic qualifications considered?


60% academic

40% non-academic


As far as I know, this is pre-interview.


If one gets an interview it is:

60% academic

20% non-academic

20% interview



3. What was the average GPA for the most recently admitted classes?


In 2002, the average GPA was 3.82 [by U of T's calculation]; undergraduates averaged 3.88, and graduate students, 3.56. In 2003, the average GPA was 3.85.

Source: U of T's LCME Accreditation Paper



4. Are graduate students considered differently in the application process?


Yes. Graduate students are assessed by a separate committee.



5. How many applied? How many spots?


Year                Applied                Spots

2003                1,605                198

2002                1,681                198

Source: OUAC.


Approximately 450 of the applicants are graduate students.**



6. How many are interviewed?


Approximately 450 (of which approximately 90 are graduate students).**



7. How many are offered admission?


Approximately 275.**


In 2002 U of T made 287 offers to fill 198 seats. Approximately 20-25% of the class have an advanced degree.

Source: U of T's LCME Accreditation Paper



8. What if I have missed a cut-off in the MCAT?


In the past if you were one below (the cut-off) in one section you were still considered.****

Several people in 0T7 did not make all the cut-offs.


MCAT cutoffs thread:

- U of T hasn't been picky about this in the past.



9. Prerequisite Courses?


2 full course equivalents in life sciences.

1 full course equivalent in humanities or social sciences or languages.



10. Preference based on place of residence and/or citizenship/residency status?




Undergraduate institution does not seem to matter.

(Official policy: "Preference is not given to individuals enrolled in programs at the University of Toronto.")



11. How many students are accepted who are neither Canadian citizens nor Permanent Residents?


Max of 7.



12. When do the interview invitations/rejections arrive?


U of T interivew invitations go out in batches because the applicants are processed in batches. Usually, they arrive anywhere from the end of January until the end of March. With the exception of MD/PhD applicants (which interview early), when an interview invite goes out is random. In other words, when a particular invitee is invited is not dependent on how good or bad, strong or weak the university thinks their application is. Rejections also come in batches; however, they seem to come a few weeks after the invites (my personal impression).


From the archives:

Interview Invites thread:

- In 2003 interview invites started appearing around mid-January (MD/PhD).

- Most of the first batch appeared around late January/early February.


Any graduate students receive interview invites? thread:

- I have the impression graduate students (non MD/PhD) get invited a bit later.



13. Tuition?


Domestic: $ 17,287.50! :eek

Visa Student: $ 30,649.97! :eek :eek



14. What are interviews like?


It depends somewhat on who interviews you; there are different kinds of medical faculty and different kinds of medical students. Generally, interviews are friendly and revolve about us getting to know you. They typically last 30-45 minutes and involve two interviewers (one faculty member + one senior medical student). Usually, interviewers are paired in a manner that both sexes are represented (if the faculty member is male the med student is female and vice versa). Ethics is a common topic. If you're looking for a good book on ethics I can recommend Doing Right: A Practical Guide to Ethics for Physicans and Medical Trainees; it is written by U of T's Philip Hébert.



** - personal communication with Bill Gregg (2002)

*** - admissions presentation at Open House (2002)

**** - personal communication with other 0T7s -- Note: This contradicts the official admissions policy. (Official policy: "Low marks (below 9 in any subtest and below N essay marks) will be unacceptable to the Faculty and jeopardize the success of the application.")


Pretty much everything else is from the Official FAQ.




What do U of T med students think about med school?



Yep, it is a bit aged & crusty. Nevertheless it has lots of good stuff. :) :rollin



What does it really take to get in?


Here are a few examples.

Here (mdapplicants.com) is another good site for that sort of info.





- 22 Dec 03 -- a few little fixes + comment about MCAT

- 25 Dec 03 -- a few more little fixes + Q about interview invites + link to acceptee stats (from the archives)

- 01 Feb 04 -- about interviews + a few little fixes

- 07 Feb 04 -- fixed the formatting + typos + link for Q8

- 02 Apr 04 -- fixed old links added refs to LCME report

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