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MCAT score flexibility?

Guest Bob

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Does anyone know just how flexible UofT is with their MCAT score requirements? I’ve heard they allow an “8” on one section, but what about a “7” on one section? Would it be worth applying to see or better to rewrite in August (risking the other sections going down)? If anyone has heard of people in this kind of position, it would be super helpful to hear from you!


P.S. Kirsteen, if you are out there, I'd love to hear what you think or if you've heard about this before! :)

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Guest Phantasme

I was under the impression that you were allowed an 8 in one section. However, if you look under the accepted/rejected/waitlist thread, you'll notice that there is someone who got a 7 and got accepted this year. Unless this was a typo, it seems that it is possible. Maybe you can email admissions to find out whether it is only in certain circumstances that such a score is considered. Good luck with your application!



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Guest peachy

I know someone (now in 0T7) who emailed admissions prior to his application and asked about their policy re: MCAT scores. He was actually told that no scores below 9 would be acceptable, although we all know that, at least, people with 8's have been admitted (as he was!).


While it never hurts to ask questions to admissions directly, I just wanted to warn you that they've been known not to be completely honest on this issue. :) I suspect you're going to have to end up deciding on your own whether you want to take a risk of applying with a 7, how likely it is that you can raise your score, how much rewriting would interfere with the rest of your life, etc.


Good luck!

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Guest CTU24

Hi Bob,


Your story sounds eerily similar to mine...


I got an 8 on verbal and a 30Q total (Aug 03 MCAT). My practice scores were much better, so I was pretty disappointed. I was very unsure about applying to schools with MCAT cutoffs, b/c I assumed my application would be ignored b/c of that one section.


I did contact various admissions people including those at U of T. While some schols like Western and Queens do have hard cutoffs, U of Ts is pretty loose. I got in with an 8 and I know more than one person who got in with a 7 (this is not BS...there are med students with 7s on the MCAT...gasp...the horror). Keep in mind that the MCAT is only one part of your application, GPA, references, essay, sketch, etc. all can make a difference pre-interview at U of T to make up for a 7 on the MCAT. Since the MCAT is used as a flag, once you get the interview it no longer matters.


I guess what I'm trying to say is that a 7 could be good enough for U of T depending on the rest of your application. However, a 7 will definitely not be good enuogh for schools like Queens or Western. This is something to considers b/c the more schools you apply to the better your chances. So, it might make sense to retake the MCAT if you are confident in your abilities on the other sections, and don't feel your score could go under 7 (ie. you could only improve).


I hope that helped,



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Guest getitonthefloor


I second that one. I got an 8 on verbal and still got an interview from UofT and eventually an acceptance. I feel that the rest of my MCAT sections as well as the rest of my application let me get through the whole process. I too, know at least two ppl who got in with V7s this year. So yeah, it's not impossible.



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Guest krazeemaan

hey guys,


when i applied the first time i had 8-11-11-S, and did not get an interview. This year i got 6-11-11-O (ouch... verbal) and got an interview. Currently I am on the waiting list at TO. Got into Mac. Later.

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Guest blinknoodle

I also know of someone in the combined MD/PhD program who (I am 95% positive) had a 6 in verbal (if not a 6, then a 7). But this may be a bit loopy because it was to the combined program (even though they say the students have to meet MD requirements).



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Guest Kirsteen

Hey there Bob,


Looks like there's a decent bit of evidence out there that UofT's MCAT requirements are not cut-offs. I managed to snag an interview (although not an acceptance... yet) with one 8. :)




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Hey Bob,


Last year I applied to UofT I had mcats 7-10-10-p and did not get an interview. This year I did much better on the mcat (10-10-13-Q) and got an interview. When I compare my applications from last year and this year I have to say that the only difference was my mcat score and my essay.


However, I have heard that there are people who get 7 in VR and still get an interview. So, if you do end up getting a 7 or 8, I suggest putting a huge effort into writing your essay and perfecting your application. It may end up being the deciding factor.


Hope this helps.



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Thanks everyone for the replies!

I had a feeling it wouldn't be too easy to know for sure if I should rewrite or not. The stories of people getting in with a 7 makes it very tempting to just try and see what happens. Such a frustrating decision! Kirsteen, have you decided on where you are going next year?


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Guest UTMed07

Hi Bob,


I'd suggest re-writing and I'm sure it isn't what you want to hear. If you do better it increases your odds dramatically in the next round. As for how to improve--I think reading through the threads in the MCAT section would be useful. Also, I think that a few speed reading books are worth it--one I have on my shelf is Super Reading Secrets ... another one is from Coles.


Good Luck,


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Guest Chieka

I think it is possible to get in with a 7, or an 8. However, I believe that a U of T is more accepting of a low score in VR than it is of one in the PS or BS sections. This is probably because the essay can make up for any shortcomings VR supposedly reveals whereas there are no such "second chances" for the PS and BS sections.


There are, as noted, people in our class with lower marks. I know someone who got in with a 7 in VR. However, this student has a PhD and a lot of impressive publications. Also, note that his low mark was in VR, not PS or BS.


I definitely agree that U of T is not very forthcoming or straightforward with MCAT requirement info. I would not have thought it possible to get in with anything below a 9 until I met people in my class with lower scores. So, I don't think you are definitely out of luck. I think, though, that you should consider your own file and how badly you want to avoid rewriting the MCAT (some people are forever scarred from the first experience;) ). As you pointed out, there is always the possibility of scoring lower. If you do apply without rewriting and you don't get in, you could always rewrite then. Of course, you will have lost some time.

I guess you have to weigh everything and choose what you think is best for you. Good luck!



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest sampras15

My situation is actually very similar to Bob's. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! This year, as a 3rd year, I received an interview with a 7 in VR and good scores in other sections (30-O overall), but was then rejected (yes, I believe that I'm living proof of the fact that UofT DOES hand out rejections post-interview). My GPA was a 4.00, and I think that my ECs, essay, and interview went pretty well. The question now is to rewrite or not to rewrite. If the MCAT is used as a flag, it means that my application made up for my low VR to get me the interview, which makes me think that I can spend the time improving my application in other areas as opposed to studying for this dreaded thing once again! Does anyone have another opinion? Please help!!

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Guest CTU24

Hi sampras...tennis anyone?


first of all, i think you should consider some of the advice already given to Bob b/c it applies to you as well.


my stats are pretty much identical to yours except i had an 8 in verbal. If i hadn't gotten in , i would have definitely re-written b/c it leaves more options open regarding other schools. Also, you have absolutely no idea if your 7 in VR will get you through to the interview stage next year--to me that's a big risk given the rest of your great stats.


In short then, i would rewrite as long as you are confident in your abilities to get a 7 or above in verbal without your other scores dropping. that being said, i know a few people personally who got in with a 7, but they had rewritten a few times to try and improve (and their stats weren't as good as yours).


congrats on your interview btw, and good luck in the future...with some hard work and with your stats you should get in somewhere next year



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Guest sampras15

That's the problem CTU24...I'm NOT that confident in my ability to improve in verbal. If I do, the highest I think I can go is an 8 which eliminates me from the other two MCAT schools anyways. Of course, there is also that risk of dropping in verbal...the worst scenario imaginable! As well, there's the risk of the other sections going down (although this is not my biggest concern). In all, a truly frustrating decision! More suggestions?

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Guest UTMed07


The AAMC numbers for retesters is worth taking a look at (if you haven't already). They are here.


IMHO retesting is worth considering because --

1. It shows you're determined.

2. Reading comprehension is important + speed reading is a valuable skill -- this is what VR tests IMHO.

3. The majority of people with a VR of 7 improve on retesting.


Initial score of 7

-- 22% decreased score

-- 23% same score

-- 55% increased score

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Tristan23

Hi there,


I am in the same position as some of the other people who posted here in that I also have a 7 in one of the sections. However, my 7 is in the Physical Sciences section and not the Verbal like most people I have encountered. Does anyone know if U of T's "secret" acceptance of those below 9 in one section applies to any section or is it only for those with substandard scores in verbal? I am registered for August 04 MCAT and debating whether or not to take it b/c I am pretty terrible at PS and concerned my other sections may drop (11-11-S). I definitely would never make Queen's but to potentially get Western and official U of T (all 9's) is what makes rewriting tempting but scary. Any advice?

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as far as i know, the "one score below 9" unwritten rule applies to any of the 3 sections, so your scores probably would be good enough for U of T. Again, i am not sure how they apply this rule, and it could involve having a GPA slightly above the cutoff and an above average essay for them to apply it.


With that being said, my advice would be the same as already posted. Rewrite as long as you are confident in your abilities to score above 9 in the other sections, and that you will improve in PS. If not, I would hold onto those scores. They are quite good, and combined with a complete application should make you competiitve at U of T.



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