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On 5/4/2019 at 5:26 AM, Makarzo said:

I just got all my marks back and got 79.77% if I average all the marks, I’m assuming UWO doesn’t round up to 80? Is this correct?

They usually have a cutoff and anyone below the cutoff doesn't get an interview from what I've heard. Usually the cutoff is around high-80% in the past for your best 2 years.

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20 hours ago, Starburst said:

They usually have a cutoff and anyone below the cutoff doesn't get an interview from what I've heard. Usually the cutoff is around high-80% in the past for your best 2 years.

The grade range is actually quite large at UWO going as low as 83. I think this person is referring to the hard cutoff of 80 to even apply. To that I am unsure, I would try emailing UWO directly. But it is important to recognize an 80 historically is not enough to get an interview (lowest has been 83 in recent years) even if your application is considered.

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