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U of C Palms, Phones too?

Guest grobz

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Guest grobz

Hey guys,


A bit of a silly question but, do the palms that we get at the start of the year function as phones too? I am moving to Calgary and need to decided if I should get a cell phone or if the electronic planner we get is one of those phone ones. Anybody know?



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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


The Palms that have been given out to the past two new classes were not PDA mobile phones. Our class received Tungsten Cs and last year's incoming class received a newer Palm--I think it might have been a Tungsten too--but not a Treo. I've heard of folks, in the past, who asked if they could upgrade their Palm to a mobile phone/PDA, and apparently this was permitted on an individual basis, but I don't actually know anyone who's done so.




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