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If I get accepted I will...

Guest try2dstress

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Guest try2dstress

I stole this thread from U of Ottawa...it was fun to read everyone's answers there and I'm curious what people who applied to Calgary have to say. Here's what I posted:


1. scream/cry/laugh/generally be very giddy


2. kiss the mailman/mailbox/phone/computer...whatever brings me the good news gets a big smooch


3. try to get over the shock of not having to wait anymore...breathe....once i'm over the shock i will grin ear to ear for the entire day and nothing will phase me.


4. call my parents, friends, everyone who has been even a tiny bit supportive and tell them that i love them -(because when i'm happy i become mushy) - email everyone else i can't get a hold of.


5. tell myself i can take the day off from writing my thesis because it is a special day.


6. take whoever is around out for a celebratory dinner


7. start planning the trip i want to take up the west coast in july - it'll be so much sweeter if i have an acceptance before i leave


8. start to feel guilty about not working on my thesis, begin working again - the faster i finish the faster i can go on vacation and smile ear to ear out of sheer contentment for what is to come!!


this list is starting to sound like a fabulous day (except for the first part of 8)...i really hope i get to follow through with this list!

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1. Scream/Jump/Dance

2. Call/tell my girlfriend, family, friends

3. Buy some of the nicest wine I can find for dinner that night

4. Hyperventilate

5. Scream some more

6. Have a celebratory bonfire/BBQ with my friends

7. Dance some more

8. Send gift baskets to my references

9. Try my best to relax and prepare for the rest of the summer

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Guest happy2bme

If I get a call on May 15th,


1. Call my spouse and ask for a loan! LOL


2. Call my Manitoba family to inform them that we will not be moving back if I recieve an acceptance there.


3.I like the gift to the references thing by HP so I think I'd also like to do that!!


4. Plan an incredible family vacation for 2-3 weeks before school starts, since it'll be a while until I will have a block of time for vacation!


5. Fill out the papers for interest relief due to going back to school for the remainder of my student loans!!!I much prefer the government paying my interest than me!


6. Take a picture of myself, to compare to how tired I'm going to look like in about 5 years!!!!!!!


7. Let my son have his first taste of champagne at my celebration dinner!!!!!Don't tell the authorities!!!

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1. Lay on the grass in a big wide open field and gaze upon the vast sky and reflect on my life thus far

2. get everyone i know to pinch me to make sure this isn't a dream

3. Apply for line of credit and blow 5 grand on a wicked trip to Europe with a friend....ooohhhh maybe Seycheles

4. Do absolutely nothing for the rest of the summer...not even math in my head :D

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