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Interview Scoring

Guest Yangzie

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Guest Yangzie

Just a question if anyone knows...are the interviews tallied up for each question they ask


and then they convert to 4.0 scale?


if so, is this based on the individual questions they ask or in by sections (ie general knowledge, ethics, personality, etc?)


if not, is it more holistic? i leave room, they talk for 5mins settle for a score out of 4.0 and thats it?


interview at ottawa was more rigid (guidelined (specific questions) than i expected it to be--i thought it'd be more conversational).

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They each give you a score.. if they match.. great, if not, then they discuss it.


And the score, I believe, is holistic in how you performed.. I don't think there's a scorecard that they're checking off as you talk.

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Guest Yangzie

lol, i can see why they'd choose to keep it a secret


and i think the holistic method is a good guess. they only have what, 5mins to decide? They've seen so many ppl they just have a gut instinct if they want someone or not.


And, now that i've dissected my interview to death, I think I got utterly owned by the interview. Definitely did not craft my answers that well...


damnit, why were they all so nice? I wish they challenged my answers more...allowed me to do something...


lol, next year it is!

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Guest Talon01

Your gut impression of how you did in the interview is not a good indication of whether you'll be offered admissions or not. Just sit back and try and relax the next few weeks:hat

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Guest Maelswarm

don't you people have exams to study for?? I'm gonna be having fun and going out after my exams are done, and sleeping in on May 15th so my acceptance email will be in my inbox once I wake up :)

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Guest uoft Chemistry

I hear u Yangzie....undergrad exams are getting sicken...just had my last undergrad lectures at UT will graduate in June....thank GOD.....

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