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What is the ideal applicant???

Guest kylerh

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Guest kylerh

I know their are no ideal stats(MCAT, GPA) to be accepted into med school. MAny people received interviews with low stats. What would you say a competitive applicant would have???(MCAT, GPA, ec's, etc) I'm looking into applying next year and I'm just seeing where I stand.



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Guest Talon01

One word: 0T6


In all seriousness, I personally think the ideal applicant is one who is well rounded (and I'm sure others agree). If you've got a 4.0 GPA but haven't done anything outside of school work for 4 years I don't think you stand much chance on getting into medicine. I think as long as you MEET the schools required GPA and MCAT marks, a lot of it comes down to how many things you've done outside of school (EC, travel, spots, hobbies). Furthermore, being involved in a lot of things outside of schools helps hone ones social skills which become a huge assest come interview time.



Basically, try and get decent marks in school and do a lot of things outside of school that you enjoy (not just because you think it will look 'good').


Good luck!

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Guest Talon01

Sorry, and to make this more specific to Ottawa, once you get an interview at Ottawa your GPA goes right out the window (it's for the majority based upon how well you do in the interview). At the outset of the interview they state that they don't want to hear about school because they know you're bright to have made it that far so if you don't have anything on your sketch to lead to an interesting interview you're SOL ;)

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