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BC students transfer to UofA undergrad or dentistry

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Hi, any science students transfer from a university in BC in 1st/2nd year or bachelor standing to UofA?

If so:

What was the uni you attended?
What courses did you take?
What did you get credit for at UofA?

Ex: UBC, took Chem 111 and 123, transferred to UofA got credit for???
Ex: UBC, took Chem 111 and 113, transferred to UofA got credit for???
Ex: UBC, took Chem 111 and 113, transferred to UofA, didn't get credit...

You probably get the point of what information I'm seeking.

Looking primarily for courses at the first year level in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math, and English.

Considering there is no assessment of transfer between BC ---> Alberta until application, I am going to attempt to figure something out on my own based on empirical evidence using the BC transfer guide for equivalents within BC and using your evidence for what courses transfer to UofA.

Thanks in advance.

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Thanks for the reply. I've emailed them asking for some sort of advice on approaching the credit transfer ability and I think I just got a cookie cutter response as per what is already said on their website "Transfer credit will be assessed after application and all transcripts sent. etc"

Well we all know what assumptions get ya, but I'm assuming the general jist is that courses will transfer between provinces when the course descriptions are mostly equal and/or courses are common courses.... otherwise how would OOP students apply to professional schools across the board? For example UBC Chem 111/123 should be 6 credits between BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, etc.  regardless of the university....there ought to be some sort of standard in order for a university to say "we're teaching 1st year chemistry". Likewise the same for physics, bio, math, English. And... the real problem for credit transfer/lack there of would come down to a course offered at 1 uni but not at another, so there is no direct translation or information at the 2nd university to be able speak to a standard of if that course deserves credits or not. Again, these are just assumptions. Sounds pretty logical to me...but sometimes things aren't based on logic/standards the way they should be.

Perhaps I'll call anyways, maybe I'll get a more genuine interaction and I can get some additional advice/information.

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