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U of A DDS actual cost

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Call me skeptical, I'm having a hard time believing UofA is roughly 70k cheaper than UBC and other "expensive" universities?

All UofA says is roughly 42k a year for "tution+equipment/instrument rental" + books. See link:

UBC has a detailed break down of all costs making it roughly 60k a year. Things mentioned like patient innovation fee, incidental fee + a lot of other fees that seem pretty "padding the bill" related. See link: https://tst-dentistry.sites.olt.ubc.ca/files/2014/11/ProjectedCosts-DMD.pdf?ver=July2018

So is UofA truly all inclusive at their 42k quote and is truly 70k cheaper (assuming the same $4500 allowance for books that UBC gave in their quote)? Or are things like the $2500 NDEB certificate fee additional and not included in UofA's quote? There are no additional borderline ridiculous fees like UBC apparently has?

thanks in advance



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