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bcem443 at UofC is a prereq for UofM medical school?

Guest hesam7

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Guest happy2bme

I can confirm this. There is still space in the Fall Class that starts on monday. But you are out of luck to apply to UofM this year if you don't have BCEM393 already since 393 is a prereq for 443. Also another tricky one at UofM is 6 credits of English, many people only take a 3 (0.5)credit course and you need 6(1.0)

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Actually I have taken bcem393 and 543. But I don't have 443. Geez, I'm not so sure if I want to take 443. I've heared it's the toughest biochemistry course. is that true?

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you're comparing BCEM443 to something like ECON201, yes you'll have to work way harder and you'll definately put in more than 10x the effort to get the same mark. However, it actually isn't as bad as most people say if you stay on top of things and you have some interest in the material which will make it less dry. I think that there are classes which are even more difficult too (for example many of the CMMB classes).


To satisfy your prereq, I think that you can get around taking BCEM443 by taking a higher level BCEM. I think that Enzymology (I can't remember the number but it's 500 and something) is a popular choice. It's much less work, you don't memorize countless structures and pathways, plus you get to learn the Secret of the Caramilk bar.

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