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UofC Fitness Centre

Guest btrots

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Guest btrots

for all you current UofC students out there, I have a non-med related question...is gym/fit. centre access included in our Rec/Student fees? Also, I've read that it's super crowded these days...anyone use the facility often?


Coming from UBC, not having to fork out $300+ extra every year would be nice, but if it's as crowded as some make it sounds, maybe it still wouldn't be worth it.


Thanks for your thoughts.


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Guest Braveheart

Hey btrots,


I think it will be included in your tuition as I have seen alot of med school students in there quite often. As for how crowded it gets, well, yes it does get pretty busy sometimes. Sometimes you just have to either wait for people to finish a machine or work in with them in between sets. I think you're gonna really like the UofC gym though. They are currently expanding the gym right now and it's gonna be so awesome! It was already a really nice gym before but after the expansion, it's gonna be da bomb!

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Guest wannabein

Ive been to some of the gyms at other universities and I can safely say that UofC had one of the best gyms to being with, and with the expansion and renovations that are going on its is gonna get even better. The reason why it is crowded is that it is so good and cheap so everyone uses it. I think if you time it right, ie., in the morning or after 7 at night, u will be just fine.

hope that helps


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Guest btrots

Sounds great, guys, thank for the info.


The gym at UBC was often pretty packed too, so it doesn't sound like the UofC one is any worse. Man was it annoying having to pay so much there, eventually most of us found a better cheaper gym off campus...not that it should have had to come to that. Bloody UBC.



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Guest marbledust

Later in the evening is a fairly good time. There are very few people in there usually between 8 pm- 10pm (provided you don't mind working out that late.) Another option you might want to look at is the gym at Mount Royal College. It is totally awesome and they give U of C students a discount--but you are still looking at around $259 a year, I think.

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Guest Qwigley

I know Talisman Center had drop-in child care about a year ago and I imagine that they still do. It's pay by the hour while you use the facility I think. Unfortunately it's not too close to the University; it's about 15 mins by car from Foothills if you drive the speed limit (and it's not rush hour). It's right beside the Stampede Park.

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Guest marbledust

The Winston Churchill Pool and Fitness centre is a city facility that offers an extremely limited drop-in child care (only a few hours a day, during peak times.) It's about a 5-7 minute drive from the U of C and Foothills. In terms of the centre itself, the pool is okay and the gym is very small. However, it will allow you to do a complete workout and is not usually busy at all. The only other place I can think of other than the city rec centres and the Tailsman that has child care would be the Westside Fitness centre--closer than the Tailsman, but still about a 15 minute drive.


I don't know about places like Gold's gym--there is one of these up near the Churchill pool.

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