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On 12/26/2019 at 1:15 AM, MiniPanda said:

That should be more than enough. I used mainly DATCrusher, PATBooster, Nicole's notes and some undergrad notes and it was enough to help get me a 27AA. I probably spent about 4-8 hours a day for 2-3 months if that helps. 

Which nicole notes did you use? The pro or summary version?

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I wrote the Nov DAT and scored well. I thought I'd give my 2 cents. I used just about everything on DATcrusher (RC passages, bio chem Qs, PAT, and the Nicole's Notes pro). I recommend going through all of Nicole's notes pro multiple times and being exposed and familiar with all those terms. I went through all of DATdestroyer questions and got destroyed but it was good prep. 

I scored well on PAT and here is what I would recommend doing: print out as many crusher PAT generators as you can. Practice on paper while using a pencil to mimic the testing experience. I would also try and get your hands on DATbootcamp PAT question packs and print those out. I used DATready PAT (comes in a print out booklet) which I thought was fairly representative. Overall I thought all these materials were much harder than the real deal and I felt great during the test. I practiced PAT every day for months and it became second nature. Oh practice under timed conditions as well! 

RC is weird. I'd say just get exposed to different company's and how they test RC. At the end of the day, the real test was like a hybrid of DATbootcamp, DATready, CDAmanuel and DATcrusher LOL. Just my opinion. It's all about reading speed and sticking to a game plan. 

In terms of hours per day, I agree with the above poster, 4-8 hours a day. Some days it took me like 12 hours cuz I was simultaneously drinking beer.


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On 12/26/2019 at 1:15 AM, MiniPanda said:

That should be more than enough. I used mainly DATCrusher, PATBooster, Nicole's notes and some undergrad notes and it was enough to help get me a 27AA. I probably spent about 4-8 hours a day for 2-3 months if that helps. 

That's amazing, how did you do in chemistry and what did you use to prep? I'm considering getting a used DATDestroyer book for practice but I'm not sure which version to get...

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On 1/16/2020 at 6:23 AM, Hokage777 said:

That's amazing, how did you do in chemistry and what did you use to prep? I'm considering getting a used DATDestroyer book for practice but I'm not sure which version to get...

I went through the Crusher notes and some undergrad notes a few times. I didn't have time to go through the Destroyer book :(

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