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Guest DeMan14

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Guest DeMan14



I was enrolled in French Immersion from Elementary school until I graduated from High School. I checked 'bilingual' on my Ott U application, but I havent really spoken French much over the past 4 years. Any suggestions on how to refresh my French speaking abilities in the next two weeks?




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Guest abertn



Je suis dans la même position. J'écoute la radio française, la télévision française et parle en français avec mon mari, ma mère, mon frère, et étrangers, etc. J'ai téléchargé des podcasts français que j'écoute sur le métro et j'éssaye même de panser en français. J'ai mon entrevue ce jeudi (le 2 mars) à 8h30, alors je commence vraiment a paniqué! Bonne chance!!

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Guest Julie Neutron



Julie Neutron again!!


I just dont see why Ottawa has to facilitate both languages. Most of the world speeks english anywho!!


Thats Julie Neutron's 2 cents for today!!! 8o

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Guest wassabi101

Hey guys,


I was in a similar position (panic) when I received my interview in French three years ago. You'll be in a room speaking and listening to french and having to express yourself in French, so the biggest things to concentrate on, in my opinion are:


-practice *expressing* yourself in French (your passions, your strengths, your weaknesses, your best and least favorite experience...anything that's emotionally involved)- practice having mock questions with your friends and/or family (on the phone even is fine)


-practice *your medical and/or other jargon and terminology* in French- make sure you can talk about that research manuscript you wrote in english, in French (this for me was the most difficult)- practice with your research supervisor, find some similar manuscripts that have been published in French, spend a half day at chapters skimming through the French medical literature, etc.


-practice *listening in french*...such as the Radio...among friends etc. You don't want to have to ask the interviewers to repeat their questions several times because they have Quebecois French, France French, not so good French etc ;) ...


Just my two cents, hope that helps!


Good luck,


I hope to meet some of you at interviews- it's so nostalgic to see you all standing there talking among yourselves wearing suits :)


Tip if you want to identify the medical students to talk with them: most of us have the same bag, with different colors for every year...the colors are universal across medical schools in Ontario I think...but anyhow, just a quick way to spot the ones walking by...




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Guest briannaxyz



I am just a little confused by this posting. I did French Immersion as well, however I applied for the English program at Ottawa U. I listed my background in French on my application, however I didn't think more than a couple of minutes of the interview would be in French. Are you guys talking about preparing for the interview for the French program? Or does the interview for the English program include a French component if you have indicated that you are bilingual? Thanks for your help!



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Guest satsumargirl
Most of the world speeks english anywho!!



Actually 874 000 000 people speak Mandarin Chinese compared to 341 000 000 people who speak English. 366 000 000 speak Hindi. Thankfully, I'm not attending med school in any of these languages :b

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Guest treehuggingbiologist

Julie - your post didn't make the reference to yourself in the third person you normally do. Shouldn't it read "Julie Neutron's talking about the people who matter?" :P


And when you do have your interview in Ottawa - be sure to check out Oh So Good in the Byward Market. As a valley-dweller, I can say without a doubt that if you don't do anything else when you're here other than go to your interview and OSG, you wouldn't have missed much.


Unless you're lactose intolerant ... cos that would totally suck.

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Guest citrinez

"I'm talking about people who matter... "


Julei Neuton, I really hope you were joking by that weird and totally uninclusive comment! I mean you wanna be a doctor right???

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