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In deep trouble

Guest kingatqueens

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Guest kingatqueens

I am planning on applying to Western this coming year. Due to a series of family tragedies (2 family deaths, among other things), my academics greatly suffered. Still, I was able to pull off ~ 3.75. However, the source of my greatest concern is my mark for the second half of organic chemistry, or my lack of a mark...


I have a mark for the first half of orgo (a half year credit), and it was fine.


However, the mental strain from the family deaths was too much to bare and my performance for the second half of orgo was very, very bad. I spoke to my prof about the situation and he simply decided to render my grade in the course as "CR."


I was wondering if this will hurt my application...


Thank you very much for your help guys, I appreciate it lots.

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Guest Jimmy



I am very sorry to hear about the tragedies in your family. I am certain that perserverance will pay off.


I'll mention the following...


You're GPA isn't that bad. All things being equal, I think it would be fine. Are you applying for admissions in 2002?


A "CR" on your transcript will probably not hurt at all in and of itself. My concern would only be that without organic chemistry, you may have completed less than five full courses. Is this the case? I have a couple of drops on my transcript and it didn't hurt me at all. If you still have a full course load then I would think that you are fine.


I believe that calling each of the medical schools and explaining the situation is key. They will all respond differently and some will probably be cooperative. My guess is that they'd treat your GPA as they would a graduate student's (i.e. not really use it too extensively in the admissions process). You're MCAT will have to be made to count however.


Family deaths happen and it affects marks. This is something that I'd imagine all medical schools have to deal with and they have mechanisms for it. I can't see Western raising too much of an issue with it. I would also suggest talking to the dean of your faculty and explain your situation. He or she will probably be most helpful and perhaps allow supplemental exams at your convenience. Speak to the dean of science.


I hope this helps.

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Guest cheech10

Actually, the OP does have a credit for orgo, even the second half; that's what "CR" means: "credit", not "withdrew".


As for how the schools will treat it, call the individual schools. It's not that uncommon that they won't have dealt with it before, but it is rare enough that the posters here probably haven't dealt with it. I don't think they will place less emphasis on your GPA, but there probably is some consideration they will give. Sorry I couldn't have been more help, and good luck.

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Guest UWOMED2005

This has been answered both here and on the "UWO2006 admissions questions" forum (I noticed you posted there.) Best thing to do is probably call to confirm.


One more note though, that I just thought of, reconfirming you are fine. . . How is your GPA in 1st and 2nd year? UWO takes the "Best year" and "last year". . . the "last year" will be your next year (it will not count until AFTER you've been accepted, at which point not meeting the minimum will result in cancellation of your acceptance) and the "Best year" can be ANY year. . . first, second or third. And they do NOT specifically look at your marks in prerequisites, just that you passed. . . a "CR" should suffice to complete the orgo requirement (also don't worry. . . from my personal experience you don't use organic chem at all in 1st year, though I think you need to understand the BASIC principles of organic chemistry to understand pharmacology in 2nd year.)


But once again, call to confirm. The phone number is (519) 661-3744 and you'll be speaking to either Darla McNeil or Barbara Radford (Barbara, not Barb, BTW!)

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