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Western Interview GPA's

Guest neddy15

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Guest neddy15



Can anyone who got interviews at western post their GPA's and other qualifications, just so i know what i'm looking at, as far as their selection process!

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Guest JSS02

I don't think you should worry too much about what other people's GPAs and MCAT scores, etc. are... if you've made it to the interview stage, you have a good opportunity to get in as long as the interview goes well.

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Guest awong37



All of the admissions requirements are quite accessible to anyone who's looking to find out about them. There are probably multiple threads on this forum alone that discuss these requirements in detail, and they're also available via the official Admissions website:




Take a careful look around and you'll find multiple sources of information for this sort of stuff... it's far more effective (and far less intrusive) than asking complete strangers to post all of their qualifications on a public Internet forum, IMO.




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Guest UWOMED2005

Don't worry too much about other people's GPAs and MCATs. This is ABSOLUTELY NOT official, but I have fairly good sources that have suggested to me that the way the 25% GPA and 25% MCAT are calculated is the following:


They convert your GPA back into a percentage in some way (don't ask me how!) and then multiply that by the 25. . .


For example. . .

If 3.7 is 80% - then that would be a score of 20/25 for the GPA

If 4.0 is 100% - then that would be a score of 25/25 for the GPA


Supposedly, similar scaling is used for the MCAT - ie 9s are still worth a significant amount.


In other words, having higher MCATs and GPA does give you an advantage in the final calculation, but it's not an advantage that cannot be overcome if you have a great interview and you just barely made the cutoffs.


Bottom line: you'll just have to wait until June 1st. I know how much that sucks not knowing what you'll be doing next September (I went through it myself last year,) but that's the deal.

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Guest UWOMED2005

My source (see above) said that it's similar to the GPA calculation (please note that the above example of a 3.7 GPA being worth 20/25 is not EXACT - it's a ballpark figure!!) so that if you're just at the cutoffs you're still getting a fairly substantial mark out of 25. I don't know for the life of me what that mark is, but the point is that you're not out of the running if you're just at the cutoffs for the MCAT either. And my understanding is that they take into account the fact the MCAT is on a bell curve as well (Don't ask me what that means in terms of marking it out of 25- I don't know!!).

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