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Final Transcript

Guest PaniDoktor

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Guest PaniDoktor



My apologies if this question was asked before, but I wanted to clear up some confusion about the final OMSAS transcript submission.


Is it an on-line procedure or do we have to mail it in? Currently there is a PDF form (to print) on the OMSAS website, but no on-line option that I can find.


Also, do I have to wait with the transcript submission until my university considers my marks officially final (June 2nd) and I am officially on the graduate list? Or can I submit now and OMSAS automatically waits for the finalization?


These are just little details, but I'd appreciate a clarification.


(and posting here gives me something to do in the next 14 days |I ).



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Guest Steve U of T

There is no mention anywhere on the OMSAS website that they will set up an electronic method for ordering transcripts, so I guess we'll have to print and mail in that form. The form has check boxes to send the transcript either immediately, after final grades are in, or after your degree has been conferred. You can wait until June 2 and send in the TRF with the immediate box checked, or you can send it now and check the appropriate box so OMSAS waits until June 2 before requesting the transcript from your school's registrar.

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Guest aneliz

You can wait and see if you are accepted if you like... but if you are you might have to move quickly to get the transcript there by the deadline (sucks to lose the acceptance because you don't get the transcript in on time!) Of course all of this depends on you ONLY applying to UWO...you need to submit a transcript to get an acceptance at any of the schools (except Mac I think). And...keep in mind that you will also be kicked off the waiting list if you miss the transcript deadline. If I were you, I would pay the $8 now and not have to worry about scrambling to get a transcript in later. If you don't get in, you have only lost $8...and that isn't much in the grand scheme of the application process.

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  • 1 month later...



I just got an email from Western confirming that they got my $$ but they said they didn't have my transcript yet from OMSAS. I requested my transcript to be sent at the end of May, and it still hasn't been sent (very suspicious!) Can I just get my school to send a transcript to Western or does it have to be through OMSAS? It'll just take a little longer to go through OMSAS (mailing the request form, processing, and sending to Western) rather than me walking it to the Mac office and having them FedEx it to Western. Can someone let me know as soon as possible if it can be sent from our university straight to Western?? I'm just a little worried here...!Thanks!



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Guest Gill0927



I'm kind of in the same boat -- except I emailed OMSAS to confirm they received both my transcripts (I attended 2 schools this past year, as a special student), and they confirmed (a week and a half ago) that they had received both of them. But then, when I emailed Darla for confirmation that they received my acceptance and $$, the reply was that they received the green form, acceptance, $$, and mailing address for August...no mention of the transcripts.


I'm trying not to worry about it, because I know OMSAS received my transcripts over a week ago. Should I worry?


Gill :b

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Hey Gill!


OMSAS confirmed that they had received my transcript request form in May and that it would be processed. So clearly, it got there, but nothing has come of it. So I'd call and check with OMSAS to see what's going on with yours just to be safe!



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Guest aneliz

I wouldn't send the transcript direct to UWO because it may get lost in the UWO office...they are expecting everything to come from OMSAS. I would not be surprised if OMSAS is behind (as usual) but as long as you have confirmation from OMSAS that they have received your transcript, don't worry about the individual schools. It will get there. Keep that OMSAS confirmation to fight any later problems with...but I don't think you should have any if OMSAS has the transcript.

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Guest CareBear15

I ordered a transcript directly from my institution to OMSAS and then I received an e-mail from OMSAS saying I must use the TRF.

Needless to say I wasn't happy about having to pay again.

So in conclusion, use the TRF! You can fax it.

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Guest therealcrackers

OMSAS will send the transcripts to each institution --- but it takes time. If your file is incomplete right now, and only the transcript is missing, it's OK --- it will be coming.

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Hi again!


Thanks to all of you for the posts in the past couple of days. It turned out that my TRF was processed May 25 but it took until TODAY for OMSAS to actually receive my transcript (don't know what the problem was there!) Glad that's done so I can refocus on work!


Thanks again!



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