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i need the truth

Guest jwalker

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Guest jwalker

hello all


I'm gonna try hard and not sound like a bitter jerk, but its going to be very hard, so i apologize in advance. Throughout this whole medschool process people have been very nice, polite, and optimisitic, which is great. When I got rejected pre interview people said don't worry there are other schools. When I had a dismal interview people said don't worry it probably went better than you think. When I got rejections and a waitlist people said you'll still get in the waitlist moves a ton. Before this point, all this comforting was helpful, but now its driving me literally insane cause I can't tell what's true and what's just people being nice. People keep saying have hope, you never know. I'm at the point now where the waitlist has made its biggest move, and i'm still waiting. I need, I'm begging for someone to be brutally brutally honest and just tell me straight up. If anyone is going to get an offer after this last move is it because they're are the exception or becuase the waitlist is going to to move again SUBSTANTIALLY. The stories of the guy who gets in the last day of summer or the girl who arrives the last day of orientation are nice but unrealistic. I understand hope is sometimes a wonderful thing, but its also the thing that keeps you up at night, that makes you lose focus of the things right in front of you cause you think something better just might come along. I don't need hope right now, i need a dose of realism. I want to be able to tell myself deep down that I will not be going the UWO next year, so I can continue on with my future plans and not have that nagging little feeling at the bottom of my stomach. So please anyone, be honest and put me out of my misery.


ps. I'm usually not this depressing, in fact most of the time I downright cheerful. Its just my summer is being ruined because I keep thinking about this. I know that some people will tell me to just not think about it, but I can't. Once again I'm sorry for being such a downer. My ranting isn't directed to any of the great people who have posted encouring comments on this forum, its just for me, I need something else besides optimism right now. Thank you for your time.

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Guest RageoftheDragon

There's always hope, so long as a spot is open.


However, if the whole situation is that bad of a problem for you, then live your life as though you did not get in. Clear it from your mind, and drive on, focusing on what you already have. This is why every school warns every applicant to have a backup plan. Not everyone gets into med the first time, and it's not an insult by any means. It is a tough profession to enter, and rightfully so. If you've lost hope on this years applications, then have hope for next years, and realize you can still have a stellar year fulfilling some other part of your life. You've made it over alot of hurdles to even become waitlisted. Even if you don't make it this year, you know the rigors for next year, and know how to improve yourself. As for now, forget about med this year. I know how hard that is, having been in the same boat as you before. Forgetting it and moving on with other goals or efforts will help you succeed in them, and does not preclude you from entering med if you get a late offer off a waitlist. Good luck, and keep at it.



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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there,


Like other folks have mentioned, try to plug through it by focusing on other things. It's not the best thought, but it's the most constructive at this point: get your contingency plans going just in case--it often helps to plan, at least, those. (Speaking from three years of contingency planning experience. :) )


The stories of the guy who gets in the last day of summer or the girl who arrives the last day of orientation are nice but unrealistic.


This happens (and I know one person to whom it happened at UofT) but these instances are very much not the norm. In the case that I know of, it was one of those years of medical school expansions and my friend received her seat as soon as the government agreed to the expansion--the Friday before the beginning of O-Week.




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Guest Chapsony

Hey walker,


I im the same situation. For me, i have said to myself it was a good go but try again next year. I have waited and hoped for too long and can't stand another disappointment.


I know it may be hard, but just tell yourself you didn't get in and move on. Seriously. Don't try and fool yourself and if someone asks, just say I didn't get in. That is about as real as its gonna get cause your not trying to hold onto something that may not happen.


But as someone has told me, hold your head up high and if this is what you wanna do, you WILL apply again next year


Best of luck to all of us,



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Guest therealcrackers



I tried three times to get in. Failed the first time to get an interview. Got rejected post-interview the second time. Got on the waiting list the third time --- I nearly hit the ceiling on July 7th when I got the phone call. So six weeks of waiting list, vs. six years of frustation --- it's worth the wait, and the list will move. Find something to occupy your time that you enjoy --- if and when the magical package comes, not being there the instant it arrives is not the end of the world --- it might even be a nice surprise.


Good luck, and take heart in the fact some of the best students at med school and the best docs got in off waiting lists in AUGUST.

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Guest aneliz

The waiting list has definitely not stopped moving. True, the so-called 'second round offers' that just came out are a 'large' movement on the list...but they are far from the only movement on the list this summer. There will still be substantial movement before Sept....and the 'third round' is still going to come out. Now, if this was a month from now (ie mid-July) I wouldn't tell you that...because by this time next month, the movement (although still happening) is one seat here and there... Once the July 2 date has come and gone and the list has settled (usually about a week after that), then the chances become slimmer.... but they don't become zero until the class is full....often in mid-Aug.


I know that waiting is hard...and it is really difficult to not know what you are going to be doing in Sept when this board is filled with people asking about line of credit advice and housing suggestions. I am sure you feel like the kid that found an empty stocking on Christmas morning....


I would suggest that you put your 'back-up' plan in place and start psyching yourself up for that (whatever it may be) in Sept. Tell the family/friends/neighbours that you didn't get in so that they will stop hounding you... Then, if you do get a package or an e-mail or a call from UWO, you will be pleasantly surprised (rather than sitting and waiting for it to happen and then being disappointed every day). If you prepare yourself mentally to not get in, it will make the waiting easier...

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jwalker, I know what you're feeling and I wish I could offer some encouragement, but I think I'm equally down on the whole wait. It's extra tough with all my friends having moved on and solidified plans for careers or school and for the first time I'm sitting around at home twiddling my thumbs waiting with no real say in my future.


Thing is I have contingency plans and I would love nothing more than to get on with them, but I can't because I have to start summer school in July (to make up credits that I've already taken but weren't accepted) in anticipation of the possibility that an offer comes sometime this summer. Frankly, I think at this time I'd accept a firm NO and get on with the next year rather than drawing it out and losing the summer. Of course this isn't reason speaking and I'll likely eat these words if that package comes through.


But I hope it works out for you, and listen to the others' encouragement.

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Guest Gnanaraj

From what I hear there is still alot of movement left, so no reason to give up your hope. I know you must be stressed out, but that is the process of being wait-listed - unfortunately, it is out of your hand. Only thing you can do is try to focus on other activities and minimize the time you spent dwelling on wait-list and your position. This is very hard, but there is nothing else to do. No matter what others may say it is impossible not to thing about it, only thing you can do is minimize the impact, especially the depressing thoughts.


My path to Medical School was rocky, when I was wait-listed this year I was uncertain whether I will get in or not. But no matter what I was determined to get into Med, if not this year, then the next, if not the next, then the year after. Similarly, if you are committed to Med, then don't let any disappointment get you down and keep on trying. Ofcourse, everyone wants to get in as soon as possible, but if it takes you several more years, then its okay. In fact, it is better than okay, maybe you could use the additional year, if you do not get in this year, to better yourself. You could travel, take other courses, do whatever to make yourself more well-rounded individual. Ultimately, more than getting there, what matters is what you do when you get there. So, as long as you prepare yourself to kickass when you get in then that's all that matters. Afterall, 2,3,or 4 years is not much in the whole scheme of one's life.




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Guest CalicoKal


I'm in the same boat re: waitlist. I was REALLY down when I didn't get in somewhere. I went up north with my boyfriend, sat on a dock at my cottage and just let it all settle. I've allowed myself to accept that I am not getting into med school this year, and now I'm getting really excited about the potential for a year off. I live my life believing everything happens for a reason, and quite frankly, generally it does. My mom is really ill, and I'm realizing that I've been given this oportunity to spend some time with her before I move on to the next stage in my life--an oportunity I would have never "scheduled" for myself.


I don't like to give advice, but if you're finding it dreadful and painful to sit and wait and try to hope, then stop hoping and just accept that this isn't your year, and you have this fantastic chance to do soemthing for yourself. You could volunteer, or work, or travel or spend time with loved ones before you buckle down with work. Hang in there...You're not alone (if the responses to your post indicate anything) and if you want it bad enough, your time will come.


I hope you manage to get yourself into a better head-space soon.

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Dear JWalker,


If you really dont want optimism right now, consider my situation. I'm an Indian female who moved to Canada a couple of years ago. I've decided to pursue med, although my extended family keeps saying that i wont be able to make it. To add to this wonderful situation is the fact that i have a couple of good (read Rich Guy) proposals and they are all *dying* to arrange a marriage for me. I dont know whether i should laugh or cry:rolleyes .

My parents are wonderful though and are pushing me to go for what i want. Sometimes i feel like i should give up and settle (cause obviously thats much easier), but i know that i would never be happy with myself for doing that. So all i have to say to you is, enjoy today for today, cause you dont know whats going to happen tomorrow.

Oh and these optimistic people that you are in the company of...definetly much better than those who bring you down....take it from me.


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Guest therealcrackers

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