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Special Year

Guest Elaine I

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Guest Elaine I

Is it allowable to complete courses at different universities during the Special Year? I would be listed as a non-degree student at each school, and would take a minimum of 5.0 courses between the schools (as well as fulfill the other requirements of the Special Year).


I'm having difficulty deciding between a couple of schools, since they each have a few courses that seem quite interesting and unique (as well as some courses that I would take that are offered at both schools).


Thank you for your help.


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Guest aneliz



I don't think that this would be a big problem...however, you should clear it with UWO to be sure. The only potential problem that I see is that there may be some confusion in the office about what you actually did that year, if the courses add up to full-time, etc (given that they will all be on separate transcripts...) when it comes time to calculate your GPA...so if they give you the thumbs up, you will have to be vigilant to make sure that things don't get lost in the paper shuffle... the more schools involved, the better the chance of things getting screwed up.

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