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Guest Chieka101

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Guest UWOMED2005

I'd say pretty diverse. I think you mentioned you're a student here at UWO, or at least were. The med school is about the same as the undergrad populations in terms of diversity, with perhaps even less people of Northern European descent.

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Guest TimmyMax

Hi Oliersm,


UWO DOES NOT have provincial quotas. There is a thread floating around with the provincial breakdown of the number of people from each province in our class. Aw, forget it, I'll just post the demographics again:


UWO Meds Class of 2006 Demographics


total applications: 1689

total interviews: 417

total offers made: 234

total seats in class: 133


53% male, 47% female (reflected applicant pool)


120 are from Ontario

6 are from BC

3 are from Alberta

3 are from Nova Scotia

1 is from New Brunswick.


5 have or will have a masters degree

0 have Phd


Average age: 23


These stats were presented by the chair of the admissions commitee at the white coat ceremony on Aug 28, 2002.


As for why there seem to be fewer OOP students at UWO, well consider that medical school tuition in Ontario sits at about $14,000 for UT, Queen's, UWO and U of O, while most OOP schools have their tuitions subsidized by their respective provincial governments, which translates into tuitions that are way less than Ontario tuitions. Simply put: right now, it's cheaper to stay in one's home province than move out to London to go to UWO (although Meds at UWO is totally priceless! ;) ), which can account for the distribution seen in the Class of 2006.

Also bear in mind that the vast majority of applicants to UWO come from Ontario initially, so the numbers are also reflective of the overall applicant pool. Hope this helps!


Best of luck!


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Guest therealcrackers

In our class (2005), there are 7 from BC, 3 from Alberta, 1 from QC, 1 from NS, 1 from the US out of a class of 117. About a third of the class is South Asian or Middle Eastern, another third from East or Southeast Asian ancestry. Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Sikh, and Hindu faiths are represented as well (there may be more that I'm not aware of). Our class has 10 people with Master's degrees, 1 with a PhD; and we were 50/50 male/female at White Coat ceremony at the start of orientation week 2001. Our average age was just under 24 at the start of first year; we are now older, wiser, and sadder (the last because exams are in 9 days!).


Western's reputation and mission is to be a national medical university, and Timmy's reasons for the relatively fewer OOPs stand true for the second-year class as well. But Western does not discriminate in cut-offs or quota the number of seats for out-of-province students; in fact, at interview weekend I met a lot of people from Alberta, Nova Scotia, etc. who might have been accepted but chose other opportunities.

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