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so wut happened to UBC result?

Guest ChinaMan2004

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Guest ChinaMan2004

Mang...this waiting is killing me....i heard from an upper year UBC dental student the result should be out last week, and it didn't.

I was wondering if anyone got it? coz usually news such as getting an acceptance or rejection is such a big deal that everyone would like to share it in no time. Since there is no post concerning the result of that, I assume it is still plausible to keep on waiting?! Can someone confirm this plz?

Thanks a lot!!

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Guest ChinaMan2004

Thanks to that, Johnwoo!!

I am now having my break here at Vancouver, so it really irritates me when there is just nothing in your mailbox but endless junkmails....:x

Anywayz, at least now I know it's going to be out around the same time as McGill... double-joy or double-sadness?? that's the question......

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